Disorders of cell membranes.
For several decades it has become common to consume vegetable fats instead of animal fats, which are attributed to pathogenic effects, giving a lot of evidence. This is to be confirmed by the results of research carried out by institutes more or less dependent on the industry producing oils and margarines, as well as the observed increase in cardiovascular and cancer diseases, or many others. The fat industry has largely succeeded to eliminate traditional animal fats from our diets, especially in the societies of highly developed countries.
Currently, the replacement of animal fats with vegetable fats in food is undisputed and daily meals are treated mainly as a need to meet energy needs. On the other hand, the aspect of consuming fats as a building material for the ongoing processes of building and decomposing human cells and proteins in our body is completely neglected. Counting calories in each meal for decades has put the energy aspect in the foreground. As a result, we forgot to treat food as a supply of the necessary building components used in the reconstruction of the wearing out cells of all tissues and organs.
It should be taken into account that all cell membranes of our 80-100 trillion cells are made of, among others, phospholipids. They are compounds of glycerol with fatty acids and phosphoric acid. The phospholipids form the envelope of individual cell, called the membrane, which determines the correct processes of supplying cell with the necessary nutrients and removing unnecessary metabolic products. So let us ask ourselves whether, with such widespread consumption of vegetable oils, our cell membranes are still of human origin, or perhaps from rapeseed oil, sunflower oil or from omega-3 polyunsaturated fats?
If for any reason there are disturbances in the structure of cells in a given organ, its functioning changes and may lead to disturbances, negatively affecting its efficiency. In order to solve such problems important for health and life, we must not forget that trillions of our various cells and about 75,000 types of human proteins each have their own “life period” performing strictly defined tasks for the whole organism.
Improperly nourished cells begin perform wrongly their essential functions and over time are to early removed and utilized by the cells of the immune system. When cells of an organ die, they must be replaced with new ones of the same type. Due to frequent deficiencies in the composition of daily food regarding the type and amount of essential amino acids, fats and proteins, the natural processes of rebuilding worn out or damaged cells cannot take place. These deficiencies are notoriously caused due to the typical modern nutritional model, which does not pay attention to the aspects of proper selection of nutrients, i.e. amino acids necessary in the processes of building cells and proteins.
If we realize that human cells do not live as long as our own and that they die naturally in a much shorter time, counted in minutes, hours, days, months and years, then we can imagine that our body is one the “big factory” of rebuilding daily tens of billions of cells and countless types of proteins. For this purpose, a systematic supply of both energy and appropriate building materials from everyday food is needed. An interesting fact for many readers is that the average lifespan of some cells of the immune system is measured in minutes or hours. The heart muscle loses half of its cells within 11 days, half of the skeletal muscle cells are rebuilt within 50-60 days and the cells of the longest-living organs of our body, skeletal bones, are replaced in 100% in less than 7 years. So only 11 days is enough to replace 50% of the heart muscle cells, which are constantly working for the benefit of the whole body, having large natural material losses in less than a week and a half, and these must be rebuilt at the same time. Skeletal bones undergo much slower processes of their cell replacement, and throughout a person’s life up to the age of about 85 years, building materials for their permanent reconstruction are produced and used at the same time in a total amount sufficient to restore about 13.5 complete skeletons. Some of the cells in our immune system that protect us from disease have a very short lifespan and in the body there are constant processes of building and rebuilding these cells in short intervals. The above processes take different lengths for different cells and it is assumed that after 7 years there is no older cell in the human body than the 7-year old one except for the nerve cells of the central brain-nervous system.